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10 sites with free stock photos

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Product photos are important for your online store, but the general look and feel is equally important. And to achieve that, you can use stock photos. Now, we know how difficult it is to find good, free stock photos, so we’ve created a list of ten free photo databases especially for you. Have fun browsing!

All sites listed are free. However, different copyright rules may apply. If this is the case, click on the link to the website in question under ‘license’.

How come these photos are free?

We can imagine you’re worried there’s a catch, but let us explain why some sites offer free stock photos…

  • Some websites are sponsored and when viewing the free results, you are also shown a better result that calls for payment.
  • ​Stock-photo databases try to entice you to create a paid account by showing you their free photos. But no worries, a paid account is by no means necessary!
  • Photographers like to make their photos available for free to get their name out there.

We did our best to give you a comprehensive and hopefully useful list of free stock-photo databases, but we may have accidentally overlooked or forgotten something, so always check whether the photos you intend to use are free of copyright. Better safe than sorry ;)

Did you find this list useful? Do you have anything to add or share? Let us know below!